Outram Park Fried Kway Teow Mee

If you are at Hong Lim Food Centre and you are craving for a plate of Fried Kway Teow, you must check out this stall called Outram Park Fried Kway Teow Mee. They have won numerous awards and recommendations from several food variety channels. This Fried Kway Teow is very traditional, fried with sweet sauce and chilli as well as ingredients like fish cake, cockles and bean sprouts. The Fried Kway Teow is very fragrant especially when fried with lots of garlic and lard. It is important that the proportion of the sweet sauce and the chilli is just nice when you are frying the Kway Teow or else it will be either too sweet or salty. The stall owner has perfected the recipe and I must say every plate of Fried Kway Teow is very consistent and taste the same. You must try this Fried Kway Teow, yummy!!!
Rating: 8/10 (Good, Must Try)

Outram Park Fried Kway Teow Mee
Blk 531A Upper Cross Street
#02-17 Hong Lim Food Centre & Market

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