Shi Hui Yuan Hor Fun Speciality

I wanted to check out this stall called Shi Hui Yuan Hor Fun at Mei Chin Road last week but it was closed. Determined to try their Hor Fun, I made another trip there today. Ironically, I was delighted to see a long queue at the stalI. I ordered a plate of Hor Fun with Sliced Duck and Chicken for S$4.00. The hor fun was silky  and smooth. The gravy is tasty and has a little herbal taste. The sliced duck was tender and very fragrant but the chicken was pretty normal. You can also find ingredients like baby Nai Bai and braised mushrooms. Overall, I find that it's worth a try.
Rating: 8/10 (Good, Must Try)

Shi Hui Yuan Hor Fun Speciality
Blk 159 Mei Chin Road
#02-33 Mei Chin Road Market

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