Wok Inn Fish and Chips

It has been a long time since I had a nice plate of Fish and Chips. I heard that this stall at Toa Payoh called Wok Inn Fish and Chips serves very good Fish and Chips. I decided to check out this stall and when I was there I noticed that most of the people at the coffeeshop were either waiting with the number tag on the table or eating Fish and Chips. I ordered the Fish and Chip for S$5.80 and I was given a number tag as well. After waiting for about 15 minutes, the dish was finally served. The Fish and Chips looked delicious and true enough, the outer crust was fried till golden yellow on the outside and the fish was nice and fresh on the inside. The batter was thin and nicely coated onto the fish, making the fish nice and juicy. For the price and quality of the food, it was certainly value for money. If you have craving for Fish and Chips, this is definitely one that can satisfy you at cheaper prices.
Rating: 8/10 (Good, Must Try)

Wok Inn Fish and Chips
Blk 95 Toa Payoh Lorong 4

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